Most property owners in the Waikato Region can identify a no-mans land. They appear as a boggy stretch of paddock, a trickling spring feeding a weed blocked stream, or an overgrown gully just waiting unobserved on the sidelines.
The potential of these messy gems is slowly being recognized, and through private, community, and council efforts are being transformed into the ecological wonderlands they deserve to be. Native wildlife if being drawn back into the cityscapes as these spots are developed, with my own neighborhood being visited by a group of Kaka every dawn and dusk in recent weeks.
Liaising with HCC Ecological Division Wild Exposure have been busy ‘rescuing’ several of these examples of late – restoring them to their full potential. Utilizing our unique Terralock© Erosion Control System and local river gravels, we are developing spring induced subsiding banks into eddies and trickling streams, eroding storm-water streams into stabilized waterways, and boggy paddocks into adventurous wetlands complete with meandering boardwalks. More updates on the stream developments to come next issue.
Contact us for a free property appraisal by Gary or Vanessa.